
Singing Bowl Can Change Your Life

Why Using a Singing Bowl Can Change Your Life

Singing bowls have incredible healing effects and are widely recommended by health practitioners. The vibrations created by a singing bowl benefit the body by reducing stress, positively affecting the nervous and immune systems, inhibiting pain, combating depression, and balancing the chakras.

In Ayurvedic medicine, illness is caused by disharmony within the body. Because matter is energy that vibrates at different rates, the structure of matter can be changed by altering the rate of vibration. The body and mind are healthy when they vibrate in harmony.

When you play a singing bowl, the vibrations cause the right and left sides of your brain to synchronize and emit alpha and theta brain waves in synchronicity with the vibrations emanating from your singing bowl. Theta brainwaves are essential to healing the body and mind and create an experience commonly known as “being in the zone”. This synchronization brings your body and mind into harmony and helps you enter deep meditative states, receive intuitive messages, and engage in creative thinking.